Il processo di elaborazione di una nuova definizione di museo sta per concludersi e i Comitati Nazionali sono chiamati ancora una volta a far sentire la loro voce.
ICOM Italia, che ha già coinvolto i suoi soci nell’individuazione delle parole / concetti chiavi da inserire, vi chiede ora di esprimervi in merito alle 5 definizioni proposte dal Comitato ICOM DEFINE – elaborate nelle tre lingue ufficiali sulla base dei risultati della precedente indagine – segnalando entro il 21 marzo p.v. il vostro ordine di gradimento, compilando l’apposito form, secondo le modalità esplicitate più sotto.
Il vostro contributo è prezioso e ne terremo conto per individuare la posizione del Comitato italiano.
Per saperne di più sulla metodologia adottata da ICOM DEFINE e sul processo in atto consultate lo spazio riservato ai soci sul sito di ICOM.
How ICOM Define arrived at these five proposals?
After receiving the report of Consultation 3, ICOM Define broke into five groups of 4 members that represent different backgrounds, regional origins, and professional experience. All proposals have been developed by the groups, taking into account feedback provided by the entire committee, which considers the data received from the consultations, legal aspects, cultural specificities, and translation issues regarding specific terms and syntax. All proposals prioritize the top terms that were evaluated in the previous Consultation, which explains why there are similarities reflecting the shared notions that unify the ICOM community.
The primary language in which the proposals were drafted was English, and translations were worked on by subgroups in French and Spanish. The PDF form includes the proposals in all three languages. We welcome, within this Consultation, any suggested edits to the translations.
How to fill Consultation 4?
- Committees must rank the five proposals.
- For their top selection, committees may suggest a modification to a word or phrase. But suggestions can only be made by using words/phrases from the other proposals, as those were the terms already evaluated in Consultation 3. No new terms can be proposed at this point.
- Committees will also have the opportunity, through a text box, to justify why they ranked their fifth choice in last place.
- Committees can propose an alternative translation into Spanish or French of their top selection.
- Recurring comments may influence the final proposals that will be taken to the Advisory Council as long as they are in line with the received data.
ICOM Italy invites its members to fill in a replica of the ICOM form, following the above mentioned criteria.
ICOM Italy will take into consideration the results and then fill the ICOM form in as a National Committee, as requested by ICOM.
The five proposals
Proposal 1
A museum is an accessible, inclusive, not-for-profit institution. It inspires discovery, emotion, reflection, and critical thinking around tangible and intangible heritage. In the service of society, and in active partnership with diverse communities, museums research, collect, conserve, exhibit, educate and communicate. They operate professionally and ethically, promoting sustainability and equity.
Un musée est une institution accessible, inclusive, à but non lucratif. Il suscite découverte, émotion, réflexion et pensée critique autour du patrimoine matériel et immatériel. Au service de la société et en partenariat actif avec diverses communautés, les musées effectuent des recherches collectent, conservent, exposent, éduquent et communiquent. Ils opèrent d’une manière professionnelle et éthique, promouvant durabilité et équité.
Un museo es una institución accesible, inclusiva y sin ánimo de lucro que suscita el descubrimiento, la emoción, la reflexión y el pensamiento crítico en torno al patrimonio material e inmaterial. Al servicio de la sociedad y en colaboración activa con diversas comunidades, los museos investigan, coleccionan, conservan, exhiben, educan y comunican. Los museos operan de manera profesional y ética, promoviendo la sostenibilidad y la equidad.
Proposal 2
A museum is a permanent, not-for-profit institution, accessible to the public and of service to society. It collects, conserves, interprets and exhibits, tangible, intangible, cultural and natural heritage in a professional, ethical, and sustainable manner for research, education, reflection and enjoyment. It communicates in an inclusive, diversified, and participatory way with communities and the public.
Le musée est une institution permanente, à but non lucratif, accessible au public et au service de la société. Il collecte, conserve, interprète et expose le patrimoine matériel, immatériel, culturel et naturel, d’une manière professionnelle, éthique et durable à des fins de recherche, d’éducation, de réflexion et de plaisir. Il communique d’une façon inclusive, diversifiée et participative avec les communautés et le public.
Un museo es una institución permanente, sin ánimo de lucro, accesible al público, y al servicio de la sociedad. Un museo colecciona, conserva, interpreta y exhibe el patrimonio material, inmaterial, cultural y natural, de manera profesional, ética y sostenible, y con fines de investigación, educación, reflexión y disfrute. Los museos se comunican de forma inclusiva, diversa y participativa con las comunidades y las audiencias.
Proposal 3
A museum is a not-for-profit, permanent institution in the service of society that researches, collects, conserves, exhibits, and communicates tangible and intangible heritage. Open to the public, it is accessible, inclusive, and fosters diversity and sustainability. The museum operates professionally, ethically and with the participation of communities, offering varied audience experiences for the purposes of education, enjoyment and the expansion of knowledge.
Un musée est une institution permanente, à but non lucratif et au service de la société, qui se consacre à la recherche, la collecte, la conservation, l’exposition et la diffusion du patrimoine matériel et immatériel. Ouvert au public, il est accessible, inclusif, et encourage la diversité et la durabilité. Les musées fonctionnent avec professionnalisme et selon des critères d’éthique en collaboration avec les communautés. Ils offrent à leurs publics des expériences variées d’éducation, de divertissement et d’accroissement des connaissances.
Un museo es una institución sin fines de lucro, permanente y al servicio de la sociedad que investiga, colecciona, conserva, exhibe y comunica el patrimonio material e inmaterial. Abierto al público, el museo es accesible e inclusivo, y fomenta la diversidad y la sostenibilidad. Los museos operan profesional y éticamente con la participación de comunidades, ofreciendo experiencias variadas a sus audiencias para la educación, el disfrute y la expansión del conocimiento.
Proposal 4
A museum is an inclusive, not-for-profit institution, open to the public, which researches, collects, preserves, exhibits, and communicates tangible and intangible heritage, facilitating critical reflections on memory and identity. Museums are in the service of society, providing educational and knowledge sharing experiences. Driven by communities or shaped together with their audiences, museums can take a wide range of formats, fostering equal access, sustainability, and diversity.
Un musée est une institution inclusive, à but non lucratif, ouverte au public, qui effectue des recherches, collecte, préserve, expose et communique le patrimoine matériel et immatériel, favorisant les réflexions critiques sur la mémoire et l’identité. Les musées sont au service de la société, ils offrent des expériences d’éducation et de partage des connaissances. Dynamisés par des initiatives communautaires ou élaborés en partenariat avec leurs publics, les musées peuvent prendre des formes variées, encourageant l’accès équitable, la durabilité et la diversité.
Un museo es una institución inclusiva, sin fines de lucro y abierta al público que investiga, colecciona, preserva, exhibe y comunica el patrimonio material e inmaterial, facilitando reflexiones críticas sobre la memoria y las identidades. Los museos están al servicio de la sociedad, proporcionando experiencias educativas y de intercambio de conocimientos. Impulsados por las comunidades o forjados de manera conjunta con sus audiencias, los museos pueden adoptar una amplia gama de formatos con el fin de fomentar la igualdad de acceso, la sostenibilidad y la diversidad.
Proposal 5
A museum is an open and accessible not-for-profit institution that collects, researches, preserves, exhibits and communicates the tangible and intangible heritage of people and the environment for the benefit of society. Museums are committed to ethical and sustainable practices and are operated in an inclusive and professional manner to create enjoyable and educational experiences that foster curiosity and discovery.
Un musée est une institution à but non lucratif, ouvert et accessible, qui effectue des recherches, collecte, préserve, expose, communique le patrimoine matériel et immatériel de la société et de l’environnement, au profit de tous. Les musées s’engagent à respecter des pratiques éthiques et durables, ils opèrent de manière inclusive et professionnelle afin de susciter de l’émotion, contribuer à l’éducation et encourager la curiosité et la découverte.
Un museo es una institución abierta y accesible, sin ánimo de lucro, que colecciona, investiga, preserva, exhibe y comunica el patrimonio material e inmaterial de las personas y el medio ambiente en beneficio de la sociedad. Los museos están comprometidos con prácticas éticas y sostenibles y funcionan de manera inclusiva y profesional para crear experiencias gratificantes y educativas que fomenten la curiosidad y el descubrimiento.