Prima Assemblea Generale Nazionale dello Scudo Blu Italia
Il Presidente del Blue Shield International, Prof. Peter Stone e la Segretaria Generale Dr. Emma Cunliffe, hanno comunicato l’accreditamento internazionale del Comitato Italiano dello Scudo Blu.
Le delegazioni Italiane di ICOM, ICOMOS, ANAI e AIB, organizzazioni fondatrici, stanno procedendo alla costituzione degli organi del Comitato italiano e alla sua messa in operatività.
L’Executive Office Board convoca la prima Assemblea Generale Nazionale dello Scudo Blu Italia il 2 ottobre 2024.
24 settembre 2023

Museums, Public Art and Cities as Participatory Cultural Spaces
curated by ICOM International
In this realm of both increasing activity and recontextualization, it seems therefore urgent to share new strategies to produce, promote and reconsider public art with a pluralistic and participative approach. An international discussion, with local specificity expanding out to global connectedness, will be especially generative
and valuable.
1st dicember 2021

ICOM Massive Open Online Course: Creating Meaningful and Inclusive Museum Practices
curated by ICOM International
On 29 November the first ICOM Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) will be online and available to all on the Future Learn platform: “Creating Meaningful and Inclusive Museum Practices”. The course will encourage museum professionals to explore a series of methodologies and strategies for social inclusion and community building that can be implemented to support wider cultural participation.
The course was coordinated by the Department of Capacity Building / Museums and Society of ICOM Secretariat, and the content was developed by Armando Perla (El Salvador/Canada) and Deirdre Prins-Solani (South Africa), heritage and museum practitioners with strong experience on the subject.
29th november 2021

HELP – Heritage Education New Web Formats And Free Licenses Opportunities For Dissemination, Co-creation And Open Data
in collaboration with ICOM Czech Republic, ICOM Portugal and the ICOM Working Group on Sustainability
HELP is one of the 8 projects selected by 2021 Solidarity Projects of ICOM.
A digital innovation path for small museums. Watch the free online course and discover the Italian winners of the call.
22nd november 2021

A UNESCO-ICOM Workshop for European Museum and Cultural Heritage Professionals | Fighting Illicit Trafficking of Cultural Property
curated by ICOM International in close cooperation with UNESCO
Workshop divided into four topics, where museum experts, and heritage and non-heritage professionals alike, share their experiences of protecting heritage and their work to restrain the illicit trafficking of cultural property across Europe and further afield.
4 – 5 october 2021

ICOM WEBINAR “Museums, Sustainable Cities and Communities”
curated by ICOM International
ICOM webinar, “Museums, Sustainable Cities and Communities“, that took place on the 17th of September 2021, 17:00 Paris time (GTM+2), discussed how museums can and were contributing to making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable by restoring justice, intercultural and intergenerational dialogue, and cultural diplomacy principles.
17th september 2021

ICOM – Wikimedia | Help protect Afghanistan’s cultural heritage from your laptop!
a cura di ICOM International
Wikimedia e ICOM hanno unito le forze per mobilitare la comunità Wiki e gli utenti di Internet per proteggere il patrimonio culturale afghano a rischio di saccheggio e traffico illecito.
Per proteggerlo, dobbiamo lavorare insieme e tutti possono aiutare, anche dal proprio computer.
21 settembre 2021

ICOM Europe Webinar | Europe’s ‘Big Museums’ and Covid
Il 30 marzo ha avuto luogo in web il seminario di primavera di ICOM Europe: “Europe’s ‘Big Museums’ and Covid – the biggest museums talk about the impact: present and future“, dedicato ad uno dei temi importanti della museologia europea, adattato agli sviluppi indotti dalla crisi pandemica. Il tema si può riassumere nella richiesta di cosa accadrà in futuro ai grandi – intesi come più frequentati – musei europei a seguito della pandemia.
31 marzo 2021

Museum, museum professionals and COVID-19. Il rapporto di ICOM e UNESCO
Nel Rapporto di ICOM e UNESCO sono pubblicati i risultati dell’indagine condotta tra i 7 aprile e il 7 maggio 2020 attraverso un questionario online diffuso in tutto il mondo.
Dalla situazione di crisi registrata si potrà ripartire solo se interverranno significativi interventi pubblici e privati per sostenere i musei e proteggere professionisti e lavoratori autonomi con contratti precari.

Master Class on Integrative Security, Emergency and Disaster Management in Museums
curated by ICOM Germany, ICOM Greece and ICOM Italy
The Master Class on Integrative Security, Emergency and Disaster Management in Museums is a two-days master class (10-11 November 2020) for emerging museum professionals, organised by ICOM Germany, ICOM Greece and ICOM Italy and will be held in conjunction with the joint ICOM Germany, ICOM Greece & ICOM Cyprus Conference Museums facing a Planetary Emergency (12 – 14 November 2020)
The Master Class is limited to 20 participants. For each participant a travel stipend of 250 Euro can be allocated.
10 – 11 November 2020